My 8-yr-old boy, Isaac, recently was baptized. As I was checking out books to get him on baptism, I came across this darling book, Libby Boom by Catherine Rae Purves . Instantly I fell in love with the story and illustrations. As I read it with my son, I couldn't help be shed a few, well ok, many tears. You just want so badly for your children to feel the love that you have for them, and the love you know Heavenly Father has for them!
Specifically, this story deals with a young girl wondering if God really can know who she is since their are billions of people on earth. He answers her in a dream in a way that she learns that he really does know her and all people individually. In the dream she is taken around the world to visit individual children in Ghana, China, Tahiti and Africa and is taught that God knows them individually just as he knows Libby.
I loved this story because sometimes I am overwhelmed with how many people are on this earth, and it is always good to be reaffirmed that God knows us individually not just as part of the vast expanse of people and places.
I loved this book, and knew it would be great to add to the fantastic book collection I have in
Modern Palm. Libby Boom is now in stock at Modern Palm. Pass on the word, and don't forget about the other great Children books in Modern Palm Boutique!