While at Alt Summit, we had some wonderful workshops. I was able to go to a sewing class taught by Dana from the blog Dana Made It. Now, sadly enough, I am not confident in my sewing abilities, so this class was perfect for me. She had simple projects for us, but we walked away with a fun, usable tote and darling stenciled pillows. The pillow was so easy to make, that I decided to have my kids make some.
At the conference, Dana had people cut out designs with freezer paper and then paint on pillow.
However, to simplify at home, we used tape and shapes. For mine, I wanted to have just half silver and half natural. On my next pillow I used the tape and made a design all over the pillow.
At any craft store you can find the metallic paint or the paint color of your choice.
Miss Ashy chose circle stickers that she placed all over the pillow cover, then she painted the entire front of the pillow. We used the blow dryer to make sure that the paint was dry before she removed the stickers. I-Man wanted to make two big triangles with small triangles inside. It was a great project for the kids and they loved make a pillow for their bedrooms.
Dana has some other great ideas and projects that I can't wait to try!