
Decorating with Color in a California Home

Decorating with color in California...
Spotted this fun, casual, and colorful home in Country Living this weekend and had to share some things that I loved. Costume designer Bethany Herwegh and her prop-maker husband, Chip, created their own paradise with their new California home. 
I adore the idea of wallpaper on the ceiling, and love that Bethany used a design 
that had birds and clouds giving it a sky feeling.

Love the retro tropical vibe throughout the house.
The master bedroom has amazing palm tree wallpaper by Cole & Sons 
that I just might have to use in my home. 
So many great shades of blue + green really make this home happy and bright. 
If you've liked this darling home, you'll love Bethany's darling 
blog The Glamorous Housewife

images via Country Living